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Friday, April 19, 2013

Look Who's Playing Baseball!!

Last year during tee ball season, he was having surgery.  So we were excited that this year he could play!  He still needs to work on focusing while in the outfield, but he loves to bat and has fun so that's all the matters :)  We are so proud, GO MARLINS!!

Here's a video too...

1 comment:

wp said...

So glad to find your blog...great for Mason! Our son Matthew seems almost the same as Mason although younger at 28 months. He of course has PFFD and is scheduled for rotationplasty surgery in January at Sinai Hospital in Baltimore with Dr. Standard. Right now, he is getting around ok with a little prosthesis. Anyway, just curious if we could somehow get in touch with you (seems like this site is related to google and I do have gmail) seems like you've been through a lot and he's made great progress. We are now just beginning that journey.
Barb and Buddy